Choosing a subject to major in during college can be stressful, but getting a degree in business would be beneficial if you have a mind for business. There’s no one type of person that can aim for a business degree, and the degree itself is rather versatile. Getting this degree doesn’t mean you need to suddenly become an entrepreneur equal to Elon Musk, though; there are plenty of ways to use a business degree without making your own startup. The benefits certainly outweigh any negatives you can think of—here are a few.
Market Demand
People who have studied and understand business administration are in high demand, and for students right out of college, entering a market where people are actively looking for people like you is ideal. Those with a degree in business are seen as the keystone to success; with this degree, you become a versatile employee who can work in a variety of industries.
Earning Potential
As soon as you toss your cap at graduation, you become immediately more valuable than someone who doesn’t have a degree or whose degree is less marketable than your own. Those with a BB or BSBA get higher than average salaries, which is great news. The economy and globalization are constantly shifting our world, and professionals are required to know how to research the market and understand both customers and demand. Having a business degree ensures that these are two skills you have.
Career Flexibility
Thanks to technology, many business-related jobs have expanded to turn into remote positions as well rather than relying on office space. There’s career flexibility for those looking for business-centric jobs, the employer being flexible about scheduling and where a person works while the employee makes sure to get their work done and not take advantage of this flexibility. From sales manager to management consultant, there are many jobs available that you can do with your degree, your phone, and a laptop.
Networking Skills
Getting a degree in business also opens you up to learning how to network. Many colleges host networking events for their students to attend, letting them meet people in the fields they want to go into after graduation and connect on a professional level. Beyond these events, attending college in general is a form of networking: professors, administrators, recruiters, and like-minded students all offer great networking opportunities that can help you find your first job post-graduation. These people can introduce you to future employers, give you letters of recommendation, and much more. Getting a business degree gets you one foot in the door toward your future.